How do you find quality men? You know…the ones I tell you that are everywhere? If you have uttered the words “there are no good men out there” I have this question for you:
Will you know him when you see him?
There seem to be three common reasons why women feel they aren’t connecting with quality men. Maybe one or more of these are preventing you from meeting your special man.
You don’t have a true and realistic vision of what a good man is.
When I ask women what qualities they want in a man, I hear the usual traits: honesty, affection, humor, etc. What they are lacking is a deeper vision. A list of adjectives isn’t enough to help you get to know him.
Ask yourself:
- For each adjective, what does that “look like” in day-to-day life?
- What are the feelings you want to feel when you’re with him?
- What type of relationship will make you happy?
- What are deal-breakers vs. realistic compromises?
- Is this today’s vision – what you need as a grownup woman – or one you created many years ago?
If you are meeting men but not feeling attracted to any, I encourage you to revisit and replace your story of the “perfect man.” What is your grownup version…one that satisfies your needs as the Woman you are today. (Capitol W intentional.)
This Woman has the life experience that tells her what truly matters and what she needs in order to feel loved and fulfilled by a man.
She accepts herself as imperfect and accepts that in others.
Chemistry is great – for a short while. I mean seriously: how’s that working for you so far?
Lori Gottlieb says in her book Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough that 10’s don’t really exist – not in real life. She talks intelligently about healthy compromise.
Ms. Gottlieb is not saying (nor am I) that we should compromise on the important stuff; only that a lot of things on our long list are not really important to your long-term happiness. They just serve your short-term “buzz” and have nothing to do with finding quality men.
You don’t give yourself a chance to get to know most men.
Most women are looking for men who are their biggest fans, are confident and go after what they want, are able to be open about their feelings, and are absolutely faithful (just to name a few).
How can you possibly know that in the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee?
In that time you can tell if he’s good-looking and if you feel an instant attraction. Chemistry is great – for a short while. I mean seriously: how’s that working for you so far?
It’s your realistic and grownup must-haves that count. Unless he’s drunk, stinky, or cusses like a sailor…could you please just give him a break? You’ll be doing yourself a favor by staying longer or accepting that next date, and then relating with an open mind and open heart.
When you do I guarantee you’ll meet a lot more quality men.
You self-sabotage.

A woman who deep-down doesn’t feel worthy or trust herself to make good decisions can unconsciously attract men who are less-than and deter the good guys.
As a woman who dated for 30 years, I know every way there is to avoid meaningful connections and deep feelings. My mantra went like this:
There are no good men, so I’m better off alone.
Voila! I gave myself permission to give up on finding a great man to share my life.
When I was single I hardly ever met men who I thought were smart, kind, trustworthy, and charming. Now that I’m happily married, I meet them all the time. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
When you’re clear about what truly matters for a meaningful relationship; when you are open to genuinely getting to know and connecting with the men you’re meeting; quality men will be everywhere.
And one will be Your One.
I keep meeting “single” dads (which is great. I was raised by one and I can have kids of my own) except it’s a lie. I end up finding out they are married and making up elaborate stories about their “ex” wives. Some tried to play the widow card. I always found these men projected success, but in fact the wen they are married to are the successful ones and always at work allowing them to cheat. After the 4th one, I gave up. I’m 37 and my friends are running into the same issue. We have to nearly perform background checks before we even meet them! Dating isn’t fun anymore, it feels like a job except there is no reward for going through the process. There has to be a better way. Maybe it’s my age.