Why I’m Thankful That I’m Old

Today is American Thanksgiving. I love this holiday because it’s an opportunity to spend time with friends and family. To be truthful though, I dislike it because we ought not be celebrating the Pilgrims. Instead, I think we should be taking the opportunity to discuss how we can be better at showing fairness and respect to indigenous people and those in the minority.

Thanksgiving does inspire us to practice gratitude and thanks. I like that part of the holiday. Here’s what I’m thankful for:

I’m thankful that I’m old.

That’s right. I’m thankful that I don’t have to worry about monthly cycles or what everyone else thinks of me. I’m thankful that I no longer sweat the small stuff, and I know that most things are small. (That was my Dad’s advice when I got married. Smart man.)

I’m thankful I know that my ultimate happiness comes from connection to my friends, family and those of you I serve…and not from completing projects on time or making more money.

Life can suck, and I’m thankful I have the perspective to accept that gracefully. I know it will pass, and that joy and peace will be waiting around the corner.

I’m thankful that I finally allowed myself to admit that the love of a man was something I needed in my life, and that I figured out how to bring that into my life, and keep making it better.

And I’m amazingly thankful that you allow me into your life and into your heart…and trust me to be your guide and partner in your journey to love.

How about you? Are you thankful to be old? (If ‘old-er’ works better for you, please feel free to replace.) If you’re not feeling the gratitude like I am, I thought I’d give you are a few places you can go to get some inspiration and information.

Here is my friend and colleague Cynthia Pastor’s style inspiration to bring out the bad ass in you! 

This website is gorgeous. It celebrates stylish older women. (And check out his documentary!)
Some great tips on how to enjoy life after 50.
19 Reasons Getting Older is the Best Thing Can Happen to You.
(Very fun!)

I hope you celebrate our magnificence with me!

I’d love to hear what you have to add to my list. How is life better for you now that you’re in the second part of your life? What do you NOT miss about being 20? Let us know!

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