Single After 40? How to Feel as Fabulous as You Really Are

It’s happening, ladies. Across the globe, in the mainstream media, on the internet, in our very own neighborhoods – we are taking back the definition of beauty, the definition of ideal, the definition of attractive — they’re becoming ours again. It doesn’t belong to studio big wigs, or photographers with extensive photo-shopping skills or even toy makers, who for generations have been making young girls and established women alike feel inadequate, anymore.

From the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, to online forums and groups, to blogs like mine- we are able to acknowledge and celebrate the real beauty of our fellow woman, and it isn’t just physical. We are pretty fantastic. It’s a sisterhood – we are moving from catty and competitive to welcoming and supportive. We are celebrating each other and acting like grownups.

So what does this have to do with you? And with dating?

The next evolution of this idea, and stay with me here, even if you think this is a stretch – is to recognize the real beauty – the real grace and wonder and intelligence and power and sensuality and all of those qualities that you acknowledge and appreciate in other great women – in YOURSELF! I have been saying it for years, but it seems like some of us are only just now ready to believe it.

So, I am delighted to tell you, now that the cultural shift has occurred and you are seeing real beauty and wonder in women all around: YOU ARE FABULOUS.

Today you might say, That’s Great! Girl Power! I’M FABULOUS! But what about tomorrow? Or the next day? What about when you’re not feeling your best? When you feel tired, and the little voices that tell you you’re not good enough or it’s not worth it start to creep in?

Step 3 of my 6-step Find Hope and Find Him system is I’m Fabulous, So What’s the Damn Problem? It’s all about these pesky little voices, and what to do when they rear their ugly heads.

You’re not alone, and it isn’t always easy to quiet those voices, but I can help. This mini training is a preview for my powerful and proven It’s Your Turn to Fall in Love course starting April 2, 2013. click here to learn how you can stop waiting and start dating…by summer! (Jumping here will not disturb the video you’re watching.)


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