
masterclass header2

 All you need is a road map and compassionate guide who has been there, and done that.

The fresh perspective and life-changing information you are about to receive will lead you directly to the man ? and the life ? you are dreaming of and deserve.

You are not too old.

Nothing is wrong with you.

Nothing is wrong with men.

There are just some things you don’t yet know. But that’s about to change.

There is a clear way forward to your loving man’s arms. A detailed road map that is proven to lead you to your own grownup love story. A plan that works, and is created specifically for women LIKE YOU.


Sorry, Date Like a Grownup Master Class Enrollment is now CLOSED for registration.



What you will learn can lead you to the happiest years of your life.

How do I know? Because I’ve been there, done that AND helped coach, teach and support thousands of women to do the same.

Women over 40 all over the world are finding their partners and lovers…

(and they are having fun doing it!)


I’m Bobbi Palmer, The Dating and Relationship Coach for Women over 40 and founder of Date Like a Grownup.

I’ve worked with thousands of women, and if you’re at all like them, you’ve planned, set goals and worked hard to achieve all the successes in your life. You’ve taken classes and had mentors to help you learn how to be good at what you do…

but no one has taught you how to date like a grownup.

Until now.


Bobbi PalmerI am going to show you exactly how to apply the smarts, creativity and skills that you already have, to your love life.

This finding love thing CAN really can be that simple if you have the right guide. You are actually so much closer than you think!

Who am I?

How did I figure it out?

I was single for almost 30 years. And I made ALL the mistakes!

I finally got sick of living every day alone. Making every decision alone. Taking vacations alone. After all those years of being single, I took an honest look at myself, learned a lot about men and changed my approach to dating.

I became a first-time bride at 47.

Soon after, I left my very successful corporate career to help women over 40 do what I did: find the man and relationship that makes you feel safe, and special, and sexy…and loved.

If you’re like I used to be, you may be having thoughts like these …

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”Why bother, all the good single men are taken.”[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”Why do all my girlfriends seem to find men and I can’t?”[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”I’m sick of being in the world as a single woman, especially at my age.”[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”Why do I keep choosing the jerks, leavers and liars?”[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”I want to take my next vacation with my hot man, eating, drinking, and being loved.”[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]”This was supposed to be the year I finally figured this crap out!”[/su_icon_text]

If you are, I want you to know that there are a LOT of women who feel the same way. At one time they were ready to give up and give in to the fact that they’d live the rest of their life as a single woman. But they didn’t.
[show-testimonials taxonomy=’masterclass1′ orderby=’menu_order’ order=’ASC’ layout=’grid’ options=’theme:speech,info-position:info-left,text-alignment:left,columns:1,display-image:on,image-size:ttshowcase_normal,image-shape:circle,image-effect:none,image-link:on’]

It IS possible to wake up every day next to a man who knows you, gets you, and loves you deeply.

How would it feel to have a completely different outlook on dating and your chance for love?


Please…just try to imagine…

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]being able to have fun talking with and connecting with single men whenever you want to, feeling completely confident and comfortable[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]going on dates feeling relaxed, secure and excited (because you know how much closer you are to finding Your One)[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]knowing the powerful feeling where YOU get to choose (and when you’re confident you’ll make a good choice)[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]having the RIGHT men ask you out again and again…because they truly “see you” and feel a connection![/su_icon_text]


Here’s what I know from my 8 years experience of helping single women like you find love:

[su_panel background=”#D32250″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px ridge #eeeeee” shadow=”1px 1px 3px #eeeeee” radius=”20″ text_align=”center”]There are 3 things you need to do to bring that one special man into your life.[/su_panel]

1. Meet more GOOD single men. 

This is simple: If you want to be in a great relationship, meeting men has to come first. I don’t know anyone with a love story that didn’t start with a great date. And your Mr. I Love You isn’t showing up at your door.

If you aren’t meeting many single men with good partner potential, then you need to be online. I’m going to give you a fresh way to look at and use online dating in a way that makes you The Boss; doing it your way. You will know how to spot a man who will make you happy, know how to get his attention…and be happy doing it. You will be the picker.

Whether you’ve been online for years or haven’t ventured online yet, you will see it for what it is: the most powerful tool available to help women meet and get to know men who are looking for a lovely, smart, grownup woman just like you..

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2. Date in a way that leads you to love.

Contrary to what people say, dating is NOT a numbers game. I’m sure you know women who have dated endlessly, only to find themselves still single. And then there are women who attract men left and right who are not necessarily the most beautiful or smartest.

What do those women know that you don’t?
1. They know and like themselves.
2. They understand men.
3. They know how to relax, have fun and just “be” with men.

The women who easily attract men have the mindset to be able to enjoy the experience of making a real connection with another human being — one who just happens to be a man.

They make men feel at ease. And boy do men respond!

When you learn to meet men and date this way, you will be able to move past the “dates as interviews” or a necessarily evil and into just enjoying the experience. You will show up as your very best, confident, kind self. And YOUR man – the one that’s right for you – will respond. (Yes, it really is that easy. We just make it hard.)

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3. Get expert training and loving support.

When you’ve been stuck in your career you’ve hired a consultant or taken classes, right? You hired someone who had the skills to get you to the next level. You’ve probably used a trainer to help keep you on track with an exercise program. You need someone to push you beyond where you would go on your own and keep you accountable.

Truthfully, finding love, especially after 40, is HARD. You need support, a CLEAR plan, confidence in yourself as a desirable woman with the ability to make good choices.

You need information about men and how it is to date in today’s world, and you need a community to go to for help and to keep you motivated. No one should have to tackle such a big life goal on their own or have to keep guessing at what’s not working. I didn’t do this alone and neither should you.


There is one ULTIMATE thing that every highly successful person knows:

You succeed when you have the right help!

[show-testimonials taxonomy=’masterclass2′ orderby=’menu_order’ order=’ASC’ layout=’grid’ options=’theme:speech,info-position:info-left,text-alignment:left,columns:1,display-image:on,image-size:ttshowcase_normal,image-shape:circle,image-effect:none,image-link:on’]


Yes, I'm ready to bring love into my life...sign me up! 

Yes, I'm ready! Make my investment a 2-pay. 

. . . . . . . . . .

[su_panel background=”#D32250″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px ridge #eeeeee” shadow=”1px 1px 3px #eeeeee” radius=”20″

[su_panel background=”#D32250″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px ridge #eeeeee” shadow=”1px 1px 3px #eeeeee” radius=”20″ text_align=”center”]Introducing Date Like a Grownup Master Class, where you finally learn how to find love in a simple, grownup way.[/su_panel]

Over the years I’ve taught programs that have been highly successful. I’ve helped thousands of women meet, attract and choose wonderful men. They are now happily-coupled, living the life they thought was only a dream.

So I asked myself: What tools and information have been most transformational for my private coaching clients? What has moved these women from being painfully or boringly single to joyfully dating and ultimately being in love with a man who makes them happy?

The answers to those questions are in Date Like a Grownup Master Class. This course combines all the INFORMATION and TOOLS you need to be able to finally be that confident, in-control, woman, meeting good men, and well on her way to finally meeting her Forever Man.

When you participate in Date Like a Grownup Master Class, you get some of the most powerful coaching that I offer my private coaching clients, who pay upwards of $4500. 

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The Master Class is a 9 week course, blending work on your own, at your own pace, with personalized small group coaching with Bobbi.

The course begins on September 22.

Remember those three things I said you needed in order to succeed in bringing love into your life?

You need to:

  • Meet more good single men
  • Date in a way to find love
  • Get expert support

This makes complete sense, right?

That’s EXACTLY what you get when you say “Yes” to this program.

Every week you will receive a new recorded coaching session that guides you step-by-step through each phase of your journey; from creating a killer online profile, to making decisions about who to choose to meet, all the way to being so relaxed and skilled at making connections with men, that you’re getting that second and third date on a regular basis.

Every hour of your training is packed with tangible, life-changing advice, information and tips that you aren’t going to get anywhere else.

Why do I say that?

Because everything I teach and every minute of my coaching is designed specifically to help smart, independent women enjoy a lovely grownup romance with a fabulous man.

There is no fluff, there’s a little fun, and there is a lot of straight shooting, compassionate, real-life truth-telling…all designed to lead you directly to LOVE.

How the program works:

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]Each week you receive a recorded video or audio lesson PACKED with proven, practical and powerful advice specifically for women dating at this time of life. The new information and perspectives will lead you to ‘ah-ha’s’ that will change your relationship with yourself, with men and with dating. It will literally change your love life!

Each of your 8 lessons are approximately one hour. Work through each lesson on your own time, using the accompanying workbook provided. [/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]Then, join me and the rest of your Master classmates for Four LIVE coaching sessions. Get more advanced training and answers to your personal, real-life questions. You will also get any kick in the butt you need to help you follow through with your promise to yourself.[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]Share ideas, experiences, challenges and successes with your Master Class sisters in a 100% private online community. [/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]All course materials are available to you forever. You can always return for a brush-up or catch up if you need to.[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”18″]You will receive any updates to the Date Like a Grownup Master Class, free, for life.[/su_icon_text]

Here is all you will receive in your Date Like a Grownup Master Class


[su_heading size=”26″ margin=”10″]Meet More Good Men
with Get Online, Get Noticed…Find Love
Week 1 – 5 [/su_heading]

During weeks 1-5 of your Master Class program you will learn the proven Date Like a Grownup approach to using the most powerful tool available to help you meet good men…and eventually The One.

You will understand how grownup men approach online dating and how they make decisions about who to contact and ask out. (I think you’ll be surprised! It’s NOT all about your picture.) You will also know how to take charge of attracting the right men, who you meet and how you meet them.

With this information, any fear, drama or confusion will be replaced with a feeling of mastery, optimism and excitement about your future. You’ll be in the driver’s seat…on your way to meeting Your One!

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Week 1 – Get Ready to Rock Your World and Start Writing (or updating) Your Online Profile
LIVE call September 22, 5:30pm Pacific Time

As your Coach, I want you to be successful!

I will guide you step-by-step through every element of the program, so you understand exactly how it will help you reach your romantic goals. And we will create a plan for your success.

Create_an_Online_3DCover_NoShadow_croppedI will also get you started on your first step: writing your new online profile (or updating the one you have)!

Your profile is your calling card. It has to attract quality men who are looking for a life like yours, with a woman like you. Writing your profile doesn’t have to be hard, or a necessary evil. My ebook The Grownup’s Guide to Writing an Online Dating Profile that Makes You Shine makes it fun!

Not only do you end up with a profile that compels the RIGHT men to contact you, you will learn a ton about yourself and the kind of man who will truly make you happy. Oh, and you make the wrong men leave yo alone.

Your book contains more than 50 pages of instructions, guidelines, worksheets and very specific examples, all guiding you step-by-step through creating an online profile that helps you stand out and express who you are in an authentic way that attracts the men you want to meet.

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Week 2 – Lesson 1 of Get Online, Get Noticed…Find Love
Set Yourself Up to Have Fun and Meet Some Excellent Men

Available for download September 29

Online dating can be fun and lead you to love, or it can exhaust you and break your heart. You’re going to learn how to approach and use online dating in the most enjoyable and productive way.

After you finish this module you’ll know…

  • Which sites are better for women your age and for you if you are larger/taller women.
  • How to ignore what feels like rejection so you can enjoy your experience.
  • How to use this as an efficient tool.
  • What men your age are really want. (I think this will surprise you!)


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Week 3 – Lesson 2 of Get Online, Get Noticed..Find Love
Attract the High Quality/High Potential Men
Available for download October 6

Your profile is your calling card – your digital “come hither.” You have started on your profile, and you are going to finalize it, making sure you are showing up online as your very best self so you magnetize the type of men you want to meet.

In this module you will learn:

  • How to make YOUR profile get noticed and stand out among the thousands of women going after the same men.
  • What the men you want are really looking for when they browse profiles.
  • How to deal with your personal life challenges in your profile.
  • What to put in your profile to weed out the guys you don’t want.
  • All about photos: what kind and how many and how to avoid posting photos that turn men off.


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Week 4 – Lesson 3 of Get Online, Get Noticed..Find Love
Ace the Email Exchange So You Move On To Dates — With the RIGHT Men and on YOUR Terms
Available for download October 13

You don’t want a pen pal, right? You’re going to learn my very powerful formula for writing emails that get opened and get responses. You’ll also learn the few powerful words that get him to do what you want him to…and be glad to do it.

In this module, I teach you:

  • Whether it is okay to send the first email (yes!) and what to say when you do.
  • What to do when a man you are interested in stops emailing.
  • How to know when a guy is just wasting your time?
  • How to politely and confidently slow down a guy who is moving too fast.
  • What are the red flags and how to quickly spot scammers, married men and one-night-standers.
  • How to stop the scammers and total jerks from contacting you.


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Week 5 – Lesson 4 of Get Online, Get Noticed..Find Love
Uncover the Hidden Gems: Man-Shopping Grownup Style
Available for download October 20

There are SO many good men that you are missing! Become the MASTER of your experience by learning how to spot the good guys and then reach out to them. And since you’re now the queen of email writing, they are going to write you back and set up dates. Voila!

After completing this module, you will know:

  • If there is a way to tell what he’s really looking for a relationship.What to do if you are above his age range.
  • How to tell if he’s worth contacting – even if his profile sounds boring.
  • When you should ignore something suggestive or offensive in his profile.
  • What to do if he doesn’t have any photos, lives far away or just gives you the wrong feeling.

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[su_heading size=”26″ margin=”10″]Date in a Way That Leads You To Love
with Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp
Week 6 – 9 

Every date you go on is an opportunity to meet the man of your dreams. During the second four weeks of Date Like a Grownup MasterBootcampBook_Package_Mockup w msgClass you’re going to learn how to show up for each date relaxed, at your best and ready to make a meaningful (hot!) connection with the RIGHT men.


First I continue to help you fix your man picker (so you start choosing men who show up and make you happy).

Then, you get my step-by-step road map to making every single date a complete success.  (Remember, you ARE going on dates because you’re online…like a grownup!)

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After completing the four weeks of your Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp, you will:

  • Feel safer and more relaxed with men…and just be able to enjoy them after closing the chapter on the misinformation and old beliefs that are getting your feelings hurt and turning off the very men you want to attract.
  • Know and LOVE yourself even more when you learn to bring a new part of you out to play. (She’s the woman the man you want yearns for. And, no, I’m not going to turn you into a girly-girl.)
  • Be able to communicate with men confidently and kindly, getting what you want and need, because you finally understand how grownup men think and feel. (AND you get scripts from me!)
  • Stop wasting time on the “shiny” but wrong guys and stop missing the good guys by making deeper and meaningful connections on the very first date.
  • Easily attract the right men by simply being yourself using my Simple Secret Weapon. (Seems weird, but many of us really have to learn how to be “real” with men. It’s so much fun!)
  • Never waste time on pre-date nerves or that last-minute temptation to cancel by learning my 5 simple steps to prepare for your dates.
  • Get something positive out of every single date and never waste your time again when you grab responsibility for your happiness and manage your expectations. (Even if he’s NOT “the one.”)
  • Enjoy meeting these men and be done with that painful first date conversation using my proven tips, talking points and scripts. (Whether he’s talking your ear off or there’s painful silence).
  • Know exactly how to let him know you’re a good match for him and that you’re interested, so he asks you out again and again.
  • Be in control of your love life, just like the rest of your life!!


[su_box title=”Here are the dates your Bootcamp home study lessons will be available :” box_color=”#0089A3″ radius=”10″ class=”width: 50%;”]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]October 27[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]November 3[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]November 10[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]November 13[/su_icon_text][/su_box]


[su_panel background=”#D32250″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px ridge #eeeeee” shadow=”1px 1px 3px #eeeeee” radius=”20″ text_align=”center”]AND…You Get Four LIVE group coaching and Q&A sessions! [/su_panel]

I’m not going to lie to you. Dating at this stage of your life can be hard. Finding the right man for you takes time. It can be easy to get discouraged and give up. Throughout the entire 8 weeks of Date Like a Grownup Master Class you will get live open coaching from me, a coach who specializes in helping women like you find grown up love, as well as support from your peers.

You will be able to stay on track, see and enjoy your progress and get support for the inevitable bumps along the way.

Starting October 5 you will participate in 4 live group coaching sessions that you can access by phone OR via the internet.

These sessions give you the added value of sharing successes, fears, feelings, challenges and experiences with other women on your same journey. They’re also another opportunity to get my personalized coaching, while asking questions that will help the other magnificent women in the program.

This is our chance to dig into your dreams and plans for yourself and your love life. Lean on me, I’m an expert — plus, I’ve made ALL the mistakes and had all the doubts!

I can help you get to where you want to go.

And, don’t worry.  If you can’t make the live calls you will have access to all replays.


[su_box title=”Here are the dates of your LIVE coaching calls with Bobbi:” box_color=”#0089A3″ radius=”10″ class=”width: 50%;”]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]October 5[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]October 19[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]November 2[/su_icon_text]

[su_icon_text icon=”icon: share” icon_color=”#0089A3″ icon_size=”18″]November 16[/su_icon_text]
[su_panel background=”#D32250″ color=”#ffffff” border=”1px ridge #eeeeee” shadow=”1px 1px 3px #eeeeee” radius=”20″ text_align=”center”]And a bunch of  bonus coaching, just to make it a no-brainer.[/su_panel]

I know everyone piles on bonus materials to make the offer look really juicy, but these aren’t just added for show. These are invaluable tools to have in your tool belt.

What’s Wrong With Men?

How many times has a man done something and you’ve asked yourself “What’s WRONG with him?!”

It can feel like he never even heard you.

But what if you could have an understanding of how men think and feel, and finally know why they act the way they do? An understanding that propels you toward a loving relationship where you both feel heard — and where you get what you need from him?

What’s wrong with men? Not as much as you think, actually, once you get to know how their brains work.

What you’ll learn in this 40-minute multimedia presentation is going to be your POWER. It will blow your heart and mind wide open.

I’ll distill the brain science, socialization and cultural expectations of men, and explain how those differences create the fundamental misunderstandings between us.

With a mix of humor, empathy and expertise, I’ll teach you how to use these facts to demystify all the men in your life. You will learn the skills and scripts you need to take the guesswork out of getting men to hear and understand you, give you what you want and need and even share their thoughts.

No more hurt feelings. No more anger. No more feeling like you’re speaking different languages…or not speaking at all.

Instead, you’ll be planting the seeds of richer, more joyful relationships.


Your Secret Community 

Community and support are an important part of your Master Class. You are SO not alone! Your 100% private Facebook page allows you to collaborate, support, and teach one another. Post updates, ask questions, and share experiences with the group. And I’ll be there to support and coach you too. It’s all private, so you can feel free to share like you’ve never done before. This is a SAFE PLACE.


First Date Handbook for the Grownup Woman Looking for Love

You’re a smart, savvy, sizzling woman who has created a great life for herself, right? Isn’t it time you achieve the same success in love?

My First Date Handbook is more than 80 pages of tips, advice, and stories to help you erase uncertainty and any thought that you’re not in control of your own love life. Start having fun dating, feel in control and get the fantastic grownup men you’d like to ask you out again and again.


20 Secrets of Successful Online Dating after 40 (ebook)

I want you online. But before you put yourself out there, I want to give you some advice about how to show up, set your expectations, stake your claim, have some fun, and ultimately find a loving partner.

Being online just exponentially increases your chances. So get out there and have some fun! But read this first. There is a right and wrong way to do this. The wrong way can leave you exhausted and resigned to failure; the right way can be fun and ultimately lead to your heart’s desire.

Here are 20 suggestions for doing it the right way.

So…how much will you pay?

You know…I wondered how to price this program to get the information and support to as many women as possible. I sincerely believe that any woman who is dating after 40 — or any woman who wants to live her life with a grownup man — MUST KNOW all that I am teaching in the Date Like a Grownup Master Class.

So I am committed to making this program an affordable investment.  You get:

  • Over 10 recorded hours of my expert training and coaching
  • A detailed Support Guide for each lesson
  • 6 hours of coaching in a small group
  • What’s Wrong with Men: The answers and how to communicate so you get what you want and need
  • First Date Handbook for Grownup Women Looking for Love
  • 20 Secrets of Successful Online Dating after 40  

The Date Like a Grownup Master Class is about the price of yet another very short weekend away with the girls. (Which you’ll keep doing after you find you men, but maybe not as much.)

Your investment for Date Like a Grownup Master Class is


OR Two payments of $279.

Yes, I'm ready to bring love into my life...sign me up! 

Yes, I'm ready! Make my investment a 2-pay. 


I’m pricing this so every woman who is dating and not meeting the right men can learn what I am going to share…click the button…you’re going to get the entire program for only $497.

And to make it easier, I am offering you an option to make your investment in two payments.

 I know this is going to cost some money and some time, but don’t worry, you are going to get way more value. You are getting some of my very best coaching that I offer my private coaching clients for $4500+.

I promise that your love life will change after you know what you learn in this program.


All of your recorded audio sessions, workbooks and resources will be available via download in your private Date Like a Grownup Learning Center. Nothing will be mailed to you.

And you will have access to the program FOREVER! All the training and coaching will be instantly available whenever you need the information and support. Use this as your guide as you date and when you eventually enter into a wonderful relationship.


What exactly are you waiting for? Him to just show up?

You say you want a companion. You want a man to hold you, to listen to you…to love you. But if you’re like the majority of women, you’re not doing much about going after what you want. Or you’re not going after it in the right way.

Whatever you’re doing about bringing a really great guy into your life, we can agree it’s not working too well because you’re here reading this. Which I’m SO glad you are…because I KNOW how to help you.

You’ve invested and been brave in so many things. Are you ready to prioritize your love life the same way?

You don’t have to do it alone. I’ll be there with you. And so will many other women.

Yes, I'm ready to bring love into my life...sign me up!

Yes, I'm ready! Make my investment a 2-pay. 

. . . . . . . . . .

These wonderful women have taken the journey to grownup love. You can, too.

[show-testimonials taxonomy=’masterclass3′ orderby=’menu_order’ order=’ASC’ layout=’grid’ options=’theme:speech,info-position:info-left,text-alignment:left,columns:1,display-image:on,image-size:ttshowcase_normal,image-shape:circle,image-effect:none,image-link:on’]

Yes, I'm ready to bring love into my life...sign me up!

Yes, I'm ready! Make my investment a 2-pay. 

Remember, be good to yourself in love and in life,

