He’s a man you want to know better. How do you make this first date the best time possible and turn it into a second date? Here’s exactly how:
Dazzle him. Dazzling the right man is actually pretty simple. It takes a positive approach, along with a little finesse and skill.
I know you want to do this like a grownup — authentically and without any manipulation or games, right? Well, here are the first nine things you can do (and not do) to dazzle your man and make sure the first date leads to a second and a third…:
1. Timeliness is next to goddess-ness
I know you’re usually on time, but make it definite for your date. Many people think that being late shows disrespect. If it’s taken that way, and disrespect is your first impression, it could end your date before it begins.
2. Go with kindness
Approach your date with an open mind and open heart – to him and yourself. Allow for nervousness and even awkwardness, and show compassion by being willing to see things from his perspective.
3. First find three things you like about him
We tend to look for the negatives first; what discounts him as a potential suitor. Wonder why you never meed guys you like? This is one big reason why.
4. Stay connected
Keep eye contact, smile, laugh (when he’s truly funny)…repeat. (This is still true when you’re doing a video date!)
5. Manage the conversation
Be the master of the segue. Learn how to change the conversation when necessary and to respond to inappropriate or overly personal questions with ease…while remaining open and charming.*
6. Listen the way a man wants you to
Simply put, let him speak! Keep easy eye contact and let him talk with no interruptions; not even uh-huhs, oh yahs.or me-toos. Smiles and chuckles are ok.
7. Hop on his wavelength
Dr. Diana Kirschner, in her book Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love, talks about “assuming his vibe” with mirroring voice, body language, intonation, energy, sitting position, etc. ( This helps you make good connections in all parts of your life, so it’s a great skill to learn.)
8. Flirt with flair
There can be a fine line between flirting and coming on too strong. You don’t have to be a hussy or silly. Keep eye contact, be playful (but not sarcastic), give and receive compliments graciously, laugh (again, when he’s funny), strategically touch (him and yourself) in the right places. Here are some more tips to help you flirt like a grownup.
9. Relax and have fun
Don’t over-think, don’t over judge, and don’t overindulge. You’re simply there to learn more about this guy and enjoy yourself. You can chill…you don’t have to decide that night if he will be your future husband. The more you relax, the more you are yourself. They more yourself you are, the more he’s going to like you. Trust me on this one.
Click here to learn more ways you can dazzle him on your date, sister.
Thank you for your compliments. I do hope your female clients take your advice to be more feminine through appearance and actions.
For me, I do find femininity to be profoundly alluring. Also, a woman’s warm and honest smile is magical.
As a follow up, I now have had three or four dates with “T”, each one being quite wonderful.
I have learned that even though T was born here in South Florida, she was raised by Southern (small town Georgia) parents. After living in both Georgia and South Carolina, and being raised by a Southern mother, I can say that the expectations of femininity are stronger in the Southern states. But Southern women are hardly submissive, they just use their feminitity in a positive way to show strength and resolve.