You’ve Grabbed Your Spot.
Now Say B’bye to First Date Hell!
Congratulations on your commitment to me and to yourself. Taking this ACTION means that your days of date-flailing are over, and your relationship heaven is in sight.
You are going to receive truly life-changing information. You’re going to learn skills that will help you relax, have fun and just be your fabulous, real self with men. That means you will be at your best, and bring out the best in the men you meet! THIS, girlfriend, is quite simply how so many women I’ve coached have turn dates into life-long relationships!
IMPORTANT: Here’s What’s Next 
Watch your email for a confirmation of your Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp purchase. Then, in the next 24 hours you will receive very detailed (yet simple) instructions on how to access all the materials and resources you need to get the most out of your Bootcamp.
Bootcamp Starts Now!
Your email contains instant access links to your program bonuses. Click the link to your Private Resources Page and get started learning how to be a happy, successful, grownup dater.
THANK YOU for choosing me as your guide, I’m honored. Let’s get to work.
If you have any questions or need more information about the Bootcamp logistics, contact Carolin at