Dating isn’t just a numbers game, sister. You can go on hundreds of dates, but if you don’t know how to do it THIS WAY…you’re still wasting precious time.
You Are Going to Know Exactly How to Relax and Have Fun Dating…and Do It In a Way That Leads You to LOVE!
Dating. You have to do it if you want to bring that man into your life. But it can feel like a tedious job with no happy ending in sight, right?
This is especially true when you’re dating with a clear purpose: to have a loving, interesting, devoted man to come home to and to keep you warm at night.
I know that dating can seem like just a bunch of frustrating “NO’s”:
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Maybe YOU are the one saying no! The men you’re meeting are…let’s just say…not for you. Date after date you’re disappointed and sometimes even pissed off…like why bother if there are no good single men![/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Or maybe you’re the one being told NO. You meet men you like and you’re open to seeing them again, but they’re disappearing. That call for a second or third date isn’t coming.[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Or maybe you’re living the ultimate NO: No dating at all! You were dating in the past and meeting some men…but it was an exhausting or a boring bummer. So you’re on break..
But, damnit, you know you have to date if you want a man in your life. You can’t just twitch your nose like Samantha and have your Darren appear.[/su_icon_text]
Well…I have a solution.
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Click here to Register for Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp Now![/ez_box]

I’m going to give you a fresh way to look at men and when your light bulb goes on (and it will!) you’re going to be stunned at how many good men you see who have been hiding in plain sight.
I’m talking about men who would make a great grownup partner AND who you would want to snuggle and kiss and…more.
No more “There are no good men” mantra for you, sister. This new truth will set you free…and get you hooked up.
First date hell will be a thing of the past. You’re going to go out feeling relaxed and confident, with powerful tools in your dating tool belt. That means you will show up as your very best self, and THAT WOMAN easily attracts men who makes her feel special and adored…and who call again and again!
Every single date will be one more positive, enjoyable step closer to your ultimate goal…a lifetime of love.
Breaks won’t be necessary. (Besides, if I may be honest, you’re not getting any younger so you shouldn’t be taking breaks anyway.)
I am going to teach you how to date in a way that is:
Fun and interesting,
Gets you what you want and need from men, and
Leads you to that one man who will light you up, have your back and enhance your already nice life.
What I learned from my therapist led me directly to living the happiest years of my life. What YOU are going to learn in this Bootcamp will lead you to your happily ever after.
I was single for almost 30 years before I figured out this man-thing and married Larry at 47. I attribute a huge part of my success to my therapist, Anne. I am a huge believer in getting help from experts when I’m not getting the results in life that I want and I can’t figure it out myself.
Anne is the kind and skilled expert who helped me (finally) see what I call my WALL OF I DARE YOU.
Are you familiar with this wall?
The WALL OF I DARE YOU is what keeps us from being able to connect fully and freely with the men we meet.
It’s what makes the good guys run for the hills and keeps us playing with the losers and leavers.
It’s what keeps us so “safe” that no one gets in.
Scaling your Wall of I Dare You and kicking its butt is the key to bringing romance, love and a lot more fun into your life.
Here are the important things I learned from Anne that helped me knock down my wall and truly changed my life. This is what I teach you during Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp:
1) It’s the differences between us that men celebrate. So should we.
The fear, anxiety and distrust I had around single men was due to my lack of information and false truths I created started back in my early teens. I didn’t understand men. They confused me. I thought I had to protect myself from them. This fear and lack if understanding is what created my Wall of I Dare You.
Learning the truth about what men really want from women, how they feel about relationships and how to bridge our differing communication styles…that was priceless!!
With this new understanding I felt a wonderful empathy and understanding for men. I realized they were glorious. When I began to embrace this, men were drawn to me like a magnet. It opened up a world where I could talk to men openly, with confidence and without my walls. I started seeing lovely, attractive men everywhere. And they started SEEING (and wanting) ME!
2) The man I wanted wanted a woman like me.
Speaking of misinformation and misunderstanding! Men don’t want smart women, men only want younger women, I wasn’t being picked because I wasn’t skinny…that was all bullshit. False. A lie. And I had believed it for decades and it kept adding more and more layers to my Wall of I Dare You.
Here’s the fact: the men I was interested in wanted a smart, independent, sometime sassy, clever, emotional woman like me. It wasn’t my age, my thighs or my intellect that was sending the good men fleeing. It was the wall I had built that kept them from seeing the woman I really was.
3) No confident, relationship-minded grownup man wants to climb a woman’s Wall of I Dare You.
I wanted a man who was looking for real partnership. I wanted him to love my independence and smarts. I also wanted him to be openly loving, gentle in some ways and kind. I learned that that’s what my kind of man also wants from a woman: openness, kindness…availability and real desire to give and receive love.
You see, that kind of guy wasn’t climbing any woman’s wall. He was ready and open to love, and wanted the same from his woman. I had to knock the damn thing down and learn how to be the real me with men. After all, I WAS that kind, open, loving woman. It was time to let her out!
4) If you want a grownup man, you have to learn how to date like a grownup.
All I knew about dating was what I learned in junior high school. “Do what he wants so he likes you. You have to let him chase you. All men want is sex. Men don’t want commitment. Be low maintenance or he won’t stay with you. Men are only interested in what you look like. Men are intimidated by smart women.”
I finally learned that NONE OF THIS IS TRUE ABOUT GROWNUP MEN! Certainly not the men women like us care about!
If I hadn’t had MADE THE DECISION TO GET HELP and had the opportunity to find an expert who could give me a fresh education about myself and how to be my real, feminine, lovely self with men…
if I hadn’t learned the real truth about men so I could appreciate, communicate and make meaningful man-to-woman connections,
I am sure I would still be single today. Or stuck with some non-committal narcissistic guy who gave me occasional crumbs.
Instead, I took the responsibility, made the investment in time and money and had some courage to try new ways of dating and relating to men. It wasn’t always easy. But it led me straight to my husband, who is the BEST THING that has ever happened to me in my entire life…hands down!
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Do you feel like you’re in first date hell? The solution is right here…thanks to NBC and the Today Show.
In 2014 The Today Show asked me to appear as an expert to help six single, over 50, women learn how to date like a grownup.(You can click here if you want to see my Today Show segment.)
Yes, I was on the Today Show and on national TV, and that was really cool. But NBC invited me as an expert to help these women find love. I was there to do real work and help real women.
So I asked myself:
What tools and information have been most transformational for my private coaching clients? What has moved these women from being painfully or boringly single to joyfully dating and ultimately being in love with a man who makes them happy?
The answers to those questions are what I used to create an intense, highly impactful Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp.
The women of the Today Show arrived motivated to learn how to end their single-ness. After just a few hours absorbing my most powerful material, their sadness, frustration and sense of futility lifted.
Instead, these smart, beautiful, loving women left the bootcamp with an open heart, newfound knowledge and compassion for men and excitement about their future. AND they knew how to show up for dates as their very best self so they could HAVE FUN and ATTRACT THE MEN THEY WANTED TO SEE AGAIN AND AGAIN.
What did they get during those few hours with me that made such a big difference in their life?
They learned that they (like YOU) were already 90% there.
Meeting more men, and eventually THE man, wasn’t only possible, it was simpler than they thought.
They just needed to learn a few new things about themselves as women and about the grownup men they wanted to meet.
And they needed new real-life, tangible tools and skills to help them meet more men, get more dates and have more fun.
After helping these six women change their love life forever, I decided it was time to share Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp with the thousands (millions!) of other women who are in the same place as I was, as you are, and as these fantastic women were:
You want to meet an attractive, interesting, grownup guy, have a few great dates and eventually move into a lasting, fun, ever-evolving relationship, right?
Well it’s not as hard as you think it might be!
Here are what just a couple of the women who participated in the Today Show Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp said about their experience.
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The new information you learn and new (surprising!) perspectives you gain in DLAGU Bootcamp will change your love life forever, just like it did for me and has for so many other women.
Let me share what you are going to be able to do, what you are going to know and how you are going to feel once you complete Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp. You will:
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”26″]Feel safer and more relaxed with men…and just be able to enjoy them after closing the chapter on the misinformation and old beliefs that are getting your feelings hurt and turning off the very men you want to attract.[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Know and LOVE yourself even more when you learn to bring a new part of you out to play. (She’s the woman the man you want yearns for. And, no, I’m not going to turn you into a girly-girl.)[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Have greater respect and compassion for men once you know our differences and understand they live to make you happy.[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Stop wasting time on the “shiny” but wrong guys and stop missing the good guys by making deeper and meaningful connections on the very first date. [/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Easily attract the right men by simply being yourself using my Simple Secret Weapon. (Seems weird, but many of us really have to learn how to be “real” with men. It’s so much fun!) [/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Never waste time on pre-date nerves or that last-minute temptation to cancel by learning my 5 simple steps to prepare for your dates. [/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″] Get something positive out of every single date and never waste your time again when you grab responsibility for your happiness and manage your expectations. (Even if he’s NOT “the one.”)[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Be done with that painful first date conversation using my proven tips, talking points and scripts. (Whether he’s talking your ear off or there’s painful silence).[/su_icon_text]
[su_icon_text icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#D32250″ icon_size=”28″]Be in control of your dating life just like the rest of your life!![/su_icon_text]
Dating like a grownup is what leads you directly to love, and the process doesn’t have to feel like a crappy job or necessary evil. There is proof of this all around you.
These are just a few of the women who completed my Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp program and learned how peek around it or just knock down their Wall of I Dare You. They learned these simple shifts in perspective and my new information, and it literally changed their life…forever. And all in just a few weeks!
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Your sessions are delivered to you in an easy downloadable AUDIO format, along with a comprehensive workbook to accompany each audio lesson. You can work at your own pace, and can listen to the training from home, your car, the beach…anywhere you can play music.
As soon as you register you will receive an email with IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO COMPLETE YOUR BOOTCAMP TRAINING.
When you say “YES”, here is what you get in Date Like a Bootcamp Homestudy:
Register for my Bootcamp and INSTANTLY receive your first more than FIVE HOURS of expert, intensive training and coaching.
All of your recorded audio sessions, workbooks and resources will be instantly available via download. (Nothing will be mailed to you.) While I recommend that you focus for four weeks to complete one Bootcamp session per week, you can choose to experience the program in any way that works best for you.
And you will have access to the program FOREVER! All the training and coaching will be instantly available whenever you need the information and support. Use this as your guide as you date and when you eventually enter into a wonderful relationship.
You are getting some of the most powerful coaching that I offer my private coaching clients for $4500+.
This is Bootcamp, sister! I want you to get all the information and support you need as fast as you can…so every moment of this training is packed with tangible, life-changing advice, information and tips that you aren’t going to get anywhere else.
There is no fluff, there’s a little fun, and there is a lot of straight shooting, compassionate, real-life truth-telling.
I have been where you are. I have helped thousands of women find even more than love. I know how to help you knock down your wall and, as so many women do who coach with me, find yourself, find peace, find joy, find confidence…and find love.
With the Bootcamp Homestudy you will receive recorded training sessions that you can listen to over and over. (There is so much content, you’ll be glad you can!) In a little over five hours you will be ready to date in a way that leads you to your Mr. I Love You!
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Here’s what your Bootcamp Homestudy program includes:
3+ Hours of Expert, Intensive, No-nonsense Training
Receive all the life-changing information, skills training and exercises Bobbi shares during Bootcamp in Mp3 recorded format. You will receive access to all recordings so you can listen to and/or save to your audio library. You can refer back whenever you need to spruce up your dating skills or you just need Bobbi’s support. These are instantly available for download once you register.
(NOTE: You will NOT receive any materials by mail. All materials are downloadable and can be played on most audio devices.)
2+ Hours of Laser Coaching, Answering Questions About Men, Dating, Sex and Relationships
Along with the training, each Bootcamp session includes recorded open coaching where Bobbi talks to women like you and gives them focused, personalized coaching. This is a gigantic extra value since the questions Bobbi answers and challenges she helps women overcome are extremely common. We are sure you will get answers to some of your specific questions and you will know that you are SO not alone!
In-depth Support Guides
Follow the course, preserve your notes and highlight your (many!) transformational ah-ha’s in the Support Guide you receive with each Bootcamp session. Your guides include assignments, forms, affirmations and tips.
Instant Access to Your Private Resources Page
Your detailed instructions and all course materials will be INSTANTLY AVAILABLE on one PRIVATE easy to access page on the Date Like a Grownup website.
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Get help like I did…Join the Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp and start dating in a way that leads you to love.
Is it time to jump (or dump) YOUR WALL and learn how to have fun with men? Can you imagine having the tools and the mindset to never again go on a date and have nothing to show for it?
If you have read this and think NOW is the time for you to stop complaining about dating (or hiding from it) and start going out and enjoying yourself with those fabulous men…click that button.
If you’re a woman who wants revolutionary change in your love life, there’s a button over there, just click and in 5 minutes you’re going to be on the path to dating in a new (surprisingly enjoyable) way.
So…how much will you pay?
You know…I wondered how to price this program to get the information and support to as many women as possible. I sincerely believe that any woman who is dating after 40 — or any woman who wants to live her life with a grownup man — MUST KNOW all that I am teaching in the Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp.
So I am committed to making this program highly affordable. For 5 recorded hours of my expert training and coaching and your detailed Support Guides, the Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp is not $450…
Your investment is only
…seriously, that’s it!
I’m pricing this so every woman who is dating and not meeting the right men can learn what I am going to share…click the button…you’re going to get the entire Bootcamp program for only $97.
I know this is going to cost some money and some time, but don’t worry, you are going to get way more value. You are getting some of my very best coaching that I offer my private coaching clients for $4000+. And your love life will change after you know what you learn in this program.
If you are looking to meet available, high quality men and be able to attract them without games and without stress, this is the perfect opportunity for you. And your investment is for less than the cost of a nice dinner and a movie with your girlfriends!
Register for the Bootcamp. I can’t wait to hear from you! It’s time to bring love into your life and have some fun looking, sister.
With love and support,
PS: I can give you all kinds of guilt trips here or tell you how, if you don’t do this in five years you’re going to be sorry…but that’s not my schtick. Instead, I’m just going to say “Welcome to the Bootcamp.” Because I know that if you’re dating or have the chance to date…you want to feel optimistic and prepared. You’re smart. You know this is a hugely valuable opportunity for you.