The Love Program 
"5-F" Retreat 
2 Days to Accelerate and Embody Your Positive Change...So You Can Lead Yourself to Lasting Love

Spend 2 days and an evening with your Love Program sisters and me, your Date Like a Grownup Coach, in this beautiful hideaway on a hill.

The Love Program “5-F” Retreat is a dynamic, highly active and incredibly fun working weekend. You will leave with new tools and skills to help you: 

1.  Fight Your Gremlins for Life 
2.  Fine Tune Your Picker  
3.  Flirt with Class and Style 
4.  Wear Fashion to Make You Look and Feel Your Feminine Best   
5.  Master Feminine/Masculine Communication 

Whether you're dating or in a relationship, this weekend is about helping you truly embody  your very best, feminine, powerful self.  That means that you just don't know it...but you also feel it. 

THIS is how you will continue to be in love with yourself through any situation; always take care of yourself first; adore men (even more!); create and maintain deep and loving connections with all the men in your life; make good decisions...and enjoy the journey to your grownup love story!   

Date Like a Grownup "5F" Retreat
Saturday January 16, 2016
Sunday  January 17, 2016
9:30 AM - 9:00:PM
8:30AM - 3:00pm 
In the Oakland Hiills, Ca. 
Meals and snacks provided.   

Your Investment for the entire weekend experience is only $550.00
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Refund Policy: Due to the expenses involved in this live event, refunds will not be given. 