Can you relate to any of this?
On your birthday, when the dinner party you're invited to is all couples but you, when your girlfriend takes off on another trip with her feel your solitude intensely. You work hard to convince yourself that you're fine alone, but the loneliness creeps in. You're really not fine and you know it.
You look around and see so many women who have what you want, and you wonder what they have that you don't. Or why men choose women like them and not you? refuse to pretend to be someone that you are not.
Imagine if things were different...
Why NOT You?
Okay, you might be thinking...
“Easier said than done,” right? Well, part of the reason it’s hard for women at this age is because most of us have been doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...and for a very long time.
Take a look at these mistakes below, and tell me if any of them sound familiar:
Mistake #1: You focus on finding a good date rather than finding your ideal mate.
If you have a pattern of dating and dating but never ending up in a happy relationship, or you keep avoiding dating, it’s because you probably think that having fun on a date is what leads you to love. You really don’t know who or what will ACTUALLY make you happy. And until you know, you won’t be able to find the right-man-for-you.
Dating or planning to date, without knowing what you need to be happy for a lifetime, is like trying to drive somewhere without knowing your destination or having directions. You can drive all you want, but you’ll never get there. (Because you don’t know where there even is!)
Mistake #2: You keep telling yourself that it will “just happen“ (and you put off making any real change).
Let’s be honest – if you’ve been single for a while, that’s almost certainly NOT going to change unless you do something new.
Every day that you wait is one more day of staying single when you don’t want to be.
In the scope of your whole life, what is more important than THIS? And given that finally finding forever love is a process that takes time, why not get started NOW? It’s time to be proactive and smart in your love life, like you’ve been in other areas of your life.
Mistake #3: You believe after all this time that you can still figure this out on your own.
When you’ve been stuck in your career you’ve hired a consultant or taken classes, right? You hired someone who had the skills to get you to the next level. You’ve probably used a trainer to help keep you on track with an exercise program. You need someone to push you beyond where you would go on your own and keep you accountable.
Truthfully, finding love, especially after 40, is HARD. You need support, a CLEAR plan, confidence in yourself as a desirable woman with the ability to make good choices, and a community to go to for help and to keep you motivated. No one should have to tackle such a big life goal on their own. I didn’t and neither should you.
Most dating and relationship coaches will tell you their story about their personal challenges and how they came to become a successful coach helping thousands of people around the world. I can do all that, and will if you want me to some other time. But I think my 30-year odyssey from single to married is way TMI.
So instead, here’s a rundown of who I am and why I can be The One Expert who can lead you to your love story :
My commitment is to give you proven tips, sophisticated tools, compassionate support and expert coaching that make your next years your very best years…by the side of a man who loves, adores, and excites you.
Hi Bobbi! It was largely because of you and your guidance that I met my husband online through Plenty of Fish. You guided our group through the process of clearly defining who we were and what we were looking for. With that clarity, I was able to push away the cobwebs and know with more certainty what was important to me.
In January of 2016, I was going to the beach and asked him if he wanted to accompany me, just to have a pleasant outing. He said yes and, as I got to know him, our pleasant acquaintance became a romantic relationship.
I noticed that when I decided to marry him, the decision was made with both my head and my heart. We are as in love and committed as ever, and our first year wedding anniversary is coming up in May. So thank you because you definitely helped make all of this happen. It was you who helped me see clearly who I am as a woman and what I wanted in a man. Much love to you.
– T. L.
How Does Over 40 Love School Work
What’s Included In The Program?
Month 1 - 2: You master the life-changing internal work that prepares you to (re)enter the world of dating feeling desirable, hopeful, prepared, and excited!
You are ready to magnetize quality men and make good choices (like the smart, confident, grownup woman you are).
Month 3-4: You get online (with my guidance, of course) and learn how easy it is to meet men anywhere and everywhere.
This — plus learning the joys of grownup men and how to effectively communicate with them — well-prepares you to enjoy dating, get more dates, and ultimately attract (and pick) the right man.
Rediscover the lovely, desirable Woman* inside you and learn how to express Her to men.
*That's Woman with a capitol W!
I admit it. I was a skeptic. I was convinced that no datable men would be interested in a "fluffy" 46-year-old career spinster...also that online dating was evil. But I was wrong, wrong, wrong. After I completed Steps 1-3 of her 6-Step Find Hope Find Him system (which is brilliant, btw!), I finally went online. Bobbi practically had to drag me kicking and screaming.
Bobbi taught me how to identify the scammers and players and showed me the magic formula for writing emails that got responses that led to phone calls that resulted in dates. (Yep, real dates with actual cute men who have jobs.) Within the first two weeks I had dates with three different men!
It's been about 3 months since I first went online, and am now dating a great guy who thinks I'm fantastic. We are having a great time going on picnics, seeing movies, and get this -- taking dancing lessons. Yes, dancing lessons. I have Bobbi to thank for all of it.
Do yourself a favor, don't wait any longer. Work with Bobbi through her 6-Step system so she can help you start meeting high quality men and lead you to love.
– Jeanine S., 56
(This is pic i Jeanine at her wedding to Ron, that "great guy" she mentioned. I had the honor of officiating their wedding!)
Value $100. Yours included free!
Access Over-40 Love School from anywhere, at any time. No travel involved.
Everything you need to be successful in the program will be in your Date Like a Grownup Learning Center, Facebook group, or delivered to you via email.
You can watch at your own pace as each new module unlocks. If you keep up with everything in the program on schedule, you can expect to spend 3-6 hours per week between watching the training and doing the work.
Can’t keep up? Did life get in the way?
No worries! That’s why everything we do is recorded and you have lifetime access to the DLAGU Private Learning CenterBobbi, I wanted to let you know that I took your 6-Step course after finding myself divorced at 42 after being married for almost 25 years.
Your coaching was exactly what I needed at the time to gain the confidence that I was lacking to be able to be single and date after 40! I am very excited to say that I took your advice and got on Match and YES met the man of my dreams!!
I am ecstatic to say we are getting MARRIED!! My dream guy (Jim) is giving me the dream wedding that I've always wanted!! He is everything I've ever wanted and dreamed of in a life partner. He is wonderful - so please tell your readers / clients never give up! There are great men out there and yes yes yes they are looking for great mature women - not 20 something girls!!
Keep up the great work you do! You really are helping us!!
– Kathy
I was skeptical and invested in her private coaching, and after six weeks online met D.
Bobbi helped me to bring out my "feminine energy", tame the gremlins (our limiting beliefs), and speak in nuggets (with feelings and not facts). She taught me about letting men being men and staying in the feminine. I'm a surgeon this was hard for me. But it works!!!
You really have to do the inner work before you can be successful with men and definitely before you go online. You have to know and love yourself, learn about grownup men (they really are SO different!) and stay positive. Bobbi helped me do all that and then it all comes together.
– Trudi
Before Bobbi's Love Program, I was feeling super frustrated with dating because it just wasn't happening even though I felt like I was in a place of really liking myself. I'd been dating online on and off for about 10 years and wasn't finding my right man. I'd taken other programs that taught that we can only find love when we love ourselves. So there I was at 49 feeling like I was good with me and Love still wasn't happening.
The Love Program helped me realize I used to date men hoping they’d like ME. I used to date the same type of men – Type A, gregarious men – and catered to them trying to please them. After a while I’d start to feel resentful that they weren’t making me a priority. I found that as a real pleaser I'd put my wants, my needs, and myself in the background as a result. Through Bobbi’s coaching, I’ve been able to speak up for what I need and want which has really helped me in the dating world. Now I make myself a priority, and shifting away from hoping he likes me has really empowered me to make better decisions about who I want to get to know better.
Best of all, I met someone amazing! Still a Type A, gregarious man (I didn't have to dump my “type” once I tuned in to how to show up in the dating world) but now that I know how to honor my needs, he has in turn - over the top - made me a priority. And that feels SO good! We are so happy together - and it's been almost 9 months!
Bobbi helped me get clear on my Must Have’s - which single handedly rescued this relationship. At one point, petty things about this man were really irking me. But when I looked at my list of Must Have’s (which Bobbi taught me in Step 3). I realized he had them all! That made the petty things fade away, and helped me appreciate what I have in him. Instead of ending the relationship over things that were getting on my nerves, I was able to have a productive, grownup conversation with him about those and things are great now. (Which I couldn't have done without Bobbi's help.) That alone has made my investment in Me worth every penny. I'm so in love with a really good man!
– Vicki R, 48
Prior to working with Bobbi, I had given up hope on finding Love. I had struck out enough times that I was over it. Done. I'd convinced myself that at 62, I didn't need a man – that I'd just move on. Then I found Bobbi. Her eBook and emails were so sensible and real – and all of her information focused on feeling good about ME first – which I really resonated with after giving up.
I finally decided to take the plunge with Bobbi's Love Program. I liked her intelligent, adult approach, focused on women over 40. Bobbi gave me incredible confidence and optimism. I knew I'd be able to do this. With her help, I got a great profile together, and fantastic pictures. She gave me just the tools that I needed.
This program was really worth every penny. I’ve wasted so much money over the years on stupid things, I really wasn’t going to let this be the one thing I should have tried but didn’t.
Now, after meeting several high quality men, I'm in a fantastic relationship with an active, interesting, good-looking man who I'm really enjoying. We met online and I'm hopeful for the potential. I never would have been here without working with Bobbi privately in her 6-Step Find Hope and Find Him Love Program. Thanks Bobbi
–Suzanne, 62
Wait! This program is perfect for you. During the first three phases we focus on YOU, helping you become the confident, feminine, open-hearted woman who enjoys dating and attracts the right men. Then you’re ready to start dating! Together we make a plan for you to get out and start meeting good, grownup men. I guide you each step of the way. It’s time to be proactive and smart about this. And take action.
That’s really good, but you're still single. You know from your experience that getting dates is only a small piece of this puzzle. Feeling hopeful and awesome about yourself, understanding what you need to be happy and then being able to attract that man...this is what leads you to love. That's what I'm going to help you do.
You're right, it is a lot of money. What is having love in your life worth to you? Really...take a moment and think about what it’s worth to you to have love in your life. The reason it is expensive is because it is so worthwhile, and there are very few experts that can help you do this –especially at this stage in your life. I accept very few private clients. I'm your partner – on your team...and giving you as much focus as I possibly can for 4 months.
How is what you’re doing right now working? How is what you’re doing right now working? You can keep doing what you’re doing and be pretty much 99% sure you won’t have the love of a man in your life. OR you can make a commitment to yourself to go after this with gusto, with a coach who has years of success helping women like you create a really great life with the love of a man. I CAN tell you this: Women who follow my advice and have been guided through my 6-Step System find love.
Yes! I am going to expect you to focus on yourself and your love life for 4 months. (At last!) Like anything else that you’ve done that you’ve been successful at, you’ll have to make an investment to learn how to do it well. This is no different.
When you’ve been stuck in your career you’ve hired a consultant or taken classes, right? You hired someone who had the skills to get you to the next level. You’ve probably used a trainer to help keep you on track with an exercise program. You need an expert to push you beyond where you would go on your own, guide you and keep you accountable.
That’s quite fine. I won't make you go online. We will make a plan for you to meet men in your everyday life, at events, etc. The Love Program is 100% personalized and based on your needs, your lifestyle and what will make YOU happy.
Finding love doesn't mean you have to get married. It just means you have a partner in your life who is committed to making you happy, sharing good and challenging times and giving you squeezes and kisses. Yummy. I hope this helps you! And, hey, if this program isn't right for you, I get it. I'm still your coach, sister. We're in this together and I'm committed to helping you find a loving, smart fun guy to share your life.