Get entirely new (grownup) perspectives about what may be standing in your way of love...and how you can get it out of your way.
(You don't know what you don't know, right?)  

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A passionate, safe, grownup partnership ​​​​​​WILL be yours...once you learn  

12 Ways You Are Avoiding Falling in Love and Don't Even Know It  

One thing I know after helping thousands of over-40 woman find love is this: something has to come before bringing amazing, juicy, grownup love into your life: you need to be truly open to loving and being loved. 

In this free coaching video I give you 12 ways mature, grownup women get in their own way of open-hearted loving. Then, exactly how to break down the walls that are keeping you from the very thing you want most: a passionate, lasting, grownup love story. 
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. There are just some things you don't YET know. 
I know that without Bobbi’s expert, loving, guidance I would still be getting my heart broken by all the wrong guys instead of spending my life with a man who absolutely loves and adores me and my daughter. Bobbi’s coaching gave me a new perspective and changed my life forever. - Shari, 53
Want to learn more about Bobbi and Date Like a Grownup? 